Friday, December 12, 2008

The Christmas train

Emma is such a girly girl, but has such a love for trains. Mike went out yesterday and bought us one to put under our tree. I think he secretly loves spoiling her-and I dont think she'll complain.


Wendell and Carole said...

Gotta have a train under the Christmas tree. Like you said, Emma is such a girly girl, I'm surprised she like's trains. I would have thought she would want all the Disney Princes's under the tree.

Vera said...

How sweet is that?

bev said...

Such bliss.....

The Lil Brodie Krew said...

Oooo, we need a train under our tree! That's cool....

Miriam said...

Even girly girls love trains. Trains are just part of a good Christmas for kids!

Mandi Arrington said...

So Mike looks like he is totally into the train also! Have a merry Christmas!

Wendell and Carole said...

I love that picture of Sophie!!!!